Tuesday 8 October 2013

film posters transcriptions

Looking into film posters and advertising for films has become intresting as each and every film has a differnt twist and way to grab peoples attention. Most genres use the same bassic ideas like in their film posters they will include blood or a scary image etc using colours like reds and blacks and so on. Where as a romantic comedy would use the traditional colours of reds and pinks. Some posters work well others do not, as displayed bellow there is an uneffective poster.

This film poster was designed fpr the film 'meet the folkers', although this has all the basic needs of a film poster such as the main cvharacters in it and an image of the main character it lacks imagenation and oprignality. The plain bacvkground isnt very appealing and the simple image doesnt tell you much about the characters and doesnt draw you in to making you want to watch the film. It simply looks like a buinch of normal people who live a normal life. Also the font style was a very bassic text which again doesnt draw anyone in. I would change the main image on this p[oster along with the font style and use brighter colours and relate it more to the story line. An example of an effective film poster is displayed bellow. These images work well together along with the style of righting and colours used. You can tell this film is to do with the main characters on the front of the posters as they are clearly displayed. The images have been phoptoshoped well and made to look perfect brightning the colour of the peoples eyes which makes it eye catching. The way the text is layed out also workd effectivly as it look almost like and equasionw hich again links to the film and its genre. The positioning works well too as the title splits the two poeple apart helping the genre once again and making the font and images stand out and work well together.  

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