Tuesday 8 October 2013

New short film idea

After looking into some film traillers that are based on famous peoples lives such as 'my week with marylin' and the new film coming out 'diana'. These films are based on true stories and the lives of two famopus people and how they live their every day lives with the ups and downs. It give insights to what their lives are really like behind closed doors when the public are gone. For example marylin monroe had a hard life she was sexually asulted when she was young by her step father and suffered a lot of abuse from producers etc from the films she was in.

My idea was to use this kind of 'what happens behind the scenes' view and applying it to people like 'the school bully' or 'the popular girl' and creating this documentry type style on what life was really like with a twist to what you would expect.


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