Tuesday 24 September 2013

2nd A2 short film analysis

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pdZVYXX21A - Link to short film

The next short film comapred to the previous one was at a much higher standard. This was given a high level four, the story was very clever as it has a big twist at the end and its very orignial. All the planning gone into the film worked really well and you can tell that he went the extra mile to get props and go to the right place to shoot so it all flowed and looked perfect. This film was also in black anhd white but looked much better as it fitted with the old fahsioned look unlike the first one we watched. You could have mistaken it for a real short film created by a film company.

The desaturation effect has grown on me and im thinking about involving it in my own film as if used correctly it works really well and becomes really effective. Especially if its a short filom withgout diolouge as it helps set the scene and tell part of the story. Also ive learnt from watching this short film that camera angles and shots can really effect how well the final peice looks as capturing rections and emotions is really important.


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