Tuesday 24 September 2013

3rd short film analysis

The third one we watched wasnt as strong as the last but did have very good ideas behind it. The planning must have taken a long time and everything was set out perfectlt there was just a few problems with the story telling. They took risks using childern in their final peice but luckly it mainly worked apart from the little boy stumbling on a few words. The characters fitted very well too the lead girl is just how you'd imagen fitting with the story line. The grade we over all gave this short film was 26  which would be low level three.

Most of the problens were down to the editing and camera shots and angles. There was a few really clever camera angles that worked really well to capture reactions although there were many wide shots meaning you couldnt always see what you wanted to. Also the editing was a little jumpy in places meanying it didnt flow very well for example when it got dark very quickly this was proably on perpous although there should have been some diogue to back this up rather than it suddenly going dark. The actual idea though was very cleaver and i would love to try something simular in my own work.

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