Tuesday 7 January 2014

alternative ending and new prop

As a group we all put our heads together to come up with an alternative ending for our short film. We wanted something that wasnt too confusing to the audience and something that would make sence and fit with all the filming we had already done.

At first this was a hard task as we had planned everything out so well up to the final detail of where it was we wanted to film. Although because of other work commitments Alex (the time traveller) was unable to film in the amount of time left we had to complete the film therefore this alternit ending was created. Peronsally I prefer this ending as I feel it makes much more sense to our first ending that was created. And been as Alexs (the time traveller) face does not appear in the oringinal filming we didnt need to worry about reding any of the other parts. This new ending explains that the character alex is in a time loop and puts a meaning to all the messages whereas before it didnt link it was some random person.

Ben created a 'Vortex Puncher' as a prob for this new ending an image of this is displayed bellow. This was used as what the character Alex used to travel through time, this again aqlso adding some meaning to the end of the short film.

- RM

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